St. Vincent School of Theology accepts all students from all states of life, genders and ages. Our courses are open to all qualified students – lay people, women and men religious, seminarians and clergy – because SVST believes that to do theology is a right and responsibility of the whole people of God. Peoples of other faith affiliations are also welcome if they are interested to learn about Christian and Catholic theology. You can find here the processes of application and the requirements proper to each course and type of candidate.
- 1. Official Transcript of Records and Diploma (.pdf copy) attesting to a Masters Degree in Theology or a related course
- 2. A copy of Masters Thesis (.pdf form)
- 3. Application Letter addressed to The Dean, St. Vincent School of Theology, Adamson University
- 4. Two Endorsement Letters: from one’s superior (Bishop, Superior or Head of Educational Institution)
and former professor - 5. Updated Bio-data
I. Applicants with MA Theology (with Thesis)
- The applicant should have a GWA of not lower than 1.50
- The applicant has satisfied all of the above requirements
II. Applicants with MA Theology/ Pastoral Ministry/ Ordained Ministry, without MA Thesis
- The applicant should have at least 30 units in Theology (Systematic or Morals) and at least 3 units in Research Methods
- The applicant should not have a grade lower than 1.75 or its equivalent and with GWA of not lower than 1.50
- Interview with the Dean
III. Applicants with MA on a Related Course, with Thesis
- Related Courses include Philosophy, Religious Education, Values Education, Catechetics
- If the applicant has less than 30 units of Theology (MA level), s/he has to enroll subjects in MA Theology to complete the required units
- The applicant will be asked to write a theological paper, equivalent to a thesis.
- Interview with the Dean
- Copy of Masters Thesis
- Entrance Exams
- Interview with Director of Admissions/ Dean
- Transfer Credentials or Honorable Dismissal from last school attended (TOR to indicate: Copy for Adamson University – original)
- Original copy of PSA Birth Certificate
- Certificate of Good Moral Character (Last school attended)
- ID photos: 2x2 (5pcs.) and 1x1 (2pcs) colored, white background, in corporate attire
The Bridge Program is for qualified (see Criteria II) PhD applicants who still do not have an MA Thesis. The student will be admitted in the PhD program with the condition that s/he would finish and defend a paper equivalent to an MA Thesis during her/his first year. Failure to accomplish this requirement would mean disqualification of the student in the PhD Program.
1. Academic Requirements Official Transcript of Records attesting to a Bachelor’s Degree (i.e., any four-year university course)
Indicate: “Copy for Adamson University”-Original
a. A weighted average of 80% of the entire Bachelor’s course
b. Sufficient Pre-requisites in philosophy and theology obtained in a recognized university or College Seminary
c. For lay people and religious (thesis track): at least 12 units in philosophy AND 12 units in theology
d. For lay people and religious (non-thesis track): at least 12 units in philosophy OR 12 units in theology
e. For seminarians (Curriculum for the Ordained Ministry): at least 51 units philosophy and 15 units theology
2. SVST Entrance Examinations and Fees English Language Proficiency Test: Grammar
a. English Language Proficiency Test: Comprehension
b. Essay Writing: Philosophy and/or Theology
c. Php 400 University Entrance Examination Fee
d. Php 5,000.00 Down Payment upon enrollment
3. Individual Assessments
a. Interview with the Dean/Director
b. Assessment by the Registrar
c. Registration/Enrollment
4. Other Required Documents
a. Letter of Recommendation from one’s Bishop or Religious Superior (for seminarians and religious)
b. Letter of Recommendation from one’s Rector/Director of Formation (for diocesan seminarians)
c. Certification of Adequate Financial Support
d. Bio-data or Curriculum Vitae
Download and fill-out the Personal Information Sheet here
e. Original copy of the applicant's PSA Birth Certificate
f. Certificate of Good Moral Character
g. Honorable Dismissal (Request from your last school attended)
h. ID Photos: 2x2 (5pcs.) colored, white background with corporate attire and 1x1 (2 pcs.)
1. Academic Requirements Official Transcript of Records attesting to a Bachelor’s Degree (i.e., any four-year university course)
Indicate: “Copy for Adamson University”-Original
a. A weighted average of 80% of the entire Bachelor’s course
b. Sufficient Pre-requisites in philosophy and theology obtained in a recognized university or College Seminary
c. For lay people and religious (thesis track): at least 12 units in philosophy AND 12 units in theology
d. For lay people and religious (non-thesis track): at least 12 units in philosophy OR 12 units in theology
e. For seminarians (Curriculum for the Ordained Ministry): at least 51 units philosophy and 15 units theology
2. SVST Entrance Examinations and Fees English Language Proficiency Test: Grammar
a. English Language Proficiency Test: Comprehension
b. Essay Writing: Philosophy and/or Theology
c. Php 400.oo University Entrance Examination Fee
d. Php 5,000.oo Down Payment upon enrollment
3. Individual Assessments
a. Interview with the Dean/Director
b. Assessment by the Registrar
c. Registration/Enrollment
4. Other Required Documents
a. Letter of Recommendation from one’s Bishop or Religious Superior (for seminarians and religious)
b. Letter of Recommendation from one’s Rector/Director of Formation (for diocesan seminarians)
c. Certification of Adequate Financial Support
d. Bio-data or Curriculum Vitae
e. Original copy of the applicant's PSA Birth Certificate
f. Certificate of Good Moral Character
g. Honorable Dismissal (Request from your last school attended)
h. ID Photos: 2x2 (5pcs.) colored, white background with corporate attire and 1x1 (2 pcs.)
1. Two copies of 1x1 and one copy of 2x2 facial photo (colored)
2. Curriculum Vitae or Biodata
3. Completed Registration Form (from SVST Registrar)
4. Interview with the Admissions Director or his Representative
1. Letter from the Parish Priest (for Scholars)
2. ID photo (2”x 2”)
3. Accomplished Student Information Sheet
4. Accomplished Registration Sheet
• Original copy of Grade 12 Report Card
• Original Certificate of Good Moral Character
• Original Copy of PSA Birth Certificate
• Letter of Application addressed to the registrar for Applicants not enrolled in college for one year
• Two (2) pieces 2x2 ID Picture (colored)
• Honorable Dismissal (Request from your last school attended)
• Entrance Examination Fee
• Two (2) copies of 1x1 facial photo (colored)
• Curriculum Vitae or Bio-Data
• Completed Registration Form (from SVST Registrar)
• Honorable Dismissal (Request from your last school attended)
• Interview with the Admissions Director or his representative
• English Assessment Test
A. Requirements Prior to Arrival in the Philippines
1. Academic Requirements
Official Transcript of Records/ Scholastic Records duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the applicant's country of origin or legal residence (see “c.3” below). Please provide English translation and grade equivalents. (Only for those who want to register for the Masters program.) Indicate “Copy for Adamson University”-Original.
1.1. A weighted average of 80% of the entire Bachelors course
1.2. Sufficient Pre-requisites in philosophy and theology obtained in a recognized university, college or seminary.
1.3. For lay people and religious (thesis track): at least 12 units in philosophy AND 12 units in theology
1.4. For lay people and religious (non-thesis track): at least 12 units in philosophy OR 12 units in theology
1.5. For seminarians (Curriculum for the Ordained Ministry): at least 60 units in philosophy and 15 units in theology
2. Language Requirements
Applicants are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English in any of the following process:
2.1. By proving that some of their previous studies were successfully completed in English,
2.2. By submitting the results of recognized language proficiency test (TOEFL/Test of English as Foreign Language or IELTS/ International English Language Testing System) or other equivalent tests in the English language.
2.3. By submitting a certification from a recognized language training center that the student is capable to undertake courses in English.
3. Endorsements
3.1. Letter of Endorsement from one’s Superior (Bishop, Superior or Head of Educational Institution)
4. SVST Entrance Examinations and Fees
[When all the above requirements have been sent to our office, we will send the entrance exams materials to the applicant’s superior/formator]
4.1. Taking the examination under the supervision of the superior/formator
4.2. Letter on the exam results from the SVST Dean
4.3. Php 400.oo University Entrance Examination Fee
4.4. Php 5,000.oo Down Payment, upon enrollment
B. Requirements Upon Arrival in the Philippines
b.1. Interview with the Dean/Director (SVST)
b.2. Assessment by the Registrar (SVST)
b.3. Registration/Enrollment
C. Requirements for Application of Student Visa
[The student can apply for ‘student visa’ from one’s country of origin or in the Philippines. We can assist him/her in the application once the following documents are ready.]
c.1. Letter of Application to enroll addressed to the Registrar. Indicate the course that the applicant intends to enroll and name of school last attended.
c.2. Five (5) copies of the Students’ Personal History Statement (PHS) duly signed by him, both in English, and his national alphabet accompanied by his personal seal, if any, among others, his left and right thumbprints and a 2x2 inch photograph on plain white background taken not more than six months prior to submission. (Click here to Download the PHS Form)
c.3. Official Transcript of Records/ Scholastic Records duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the students’ country of origin or legal residence.
NOTE: “Seen and Noted stamp is not considered an authentication and is thereby unacceptable”.
c.4.Police Clearance duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the students’ country of origin or legal residence.
c.5. Notarized Affidavit of Support with proof of adequate financial support stating the means to cover expenses for the students’ accommodation, subsistence, school dues and other incidental expenses, duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the students’ country of origin or legal residence.
c.6. Photocopy of passport data page (page containing students’ full name, date and place of birth, passport number and photo). must be duly authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post.
c.7.Photocopy of Quarantine Test (Medical Examination Result).
c.8. Four (4) copies of 2x2 I.D. pictures with white background.
c.9. Php 10,000.oo for Acceptance Fee (onetime payment)
c.10. Php 5, 000.oo for Foreign Fee (every semester)
c.11. University Entrance Examination Fee.
1. Document Checking
• Submit all the required documents for admission to the Registrar.
• Get Registration Form from the information counter.
2. Filling in of Forms
• Proceed to the “Posting Area” to take note of the schedule and the courses being offered for your enrollment.
• Fill in all the data required in the Registration Form
3. Payment
• Pay the full or partial payment of the tuition fees at the Cashier's Office.
4. Advising and Encoding
• Proceed to the Registrar’s Office for approval and encoding of courses to be enrolled.
5. Assessment
• Get the Official Enrollment form and the Statement of Account of your tuition and other applicable school fees.
• Verify and counter-check all the data printed on your Official Enrollment Form.
6. ID Card Processing
• Fill out ID card forms
• Have your picture taken for the ID card.
VINCHARIS Scholarship Program for Philosophy Students
(Vincentian Charity for the Advancement of Religious Institutes and Seminaries)

Criteria for Granting of Scholarship for Students belonging to a Religious Congregation
I. Brief Description of the Scholarship Grant: In pursuit of “doing theology from the margins”, the Adamson University and Saint Vincent School of Theology offers a scholarship grant to all interested and deserving incoming first year or currently enrolled first year students taking up BA Philosophy who belong to a religious congregation. This will likewise help encourage interested students to pursue the religious vocation.
II. Total Benefits: Full scholarship which includes free tuition fee and 50% discount in miscellaneous fees for a maximum of eight (8) semesters
III. Primary qualifications:
(i.) The scholarship is open to all incoming and/or first year students who are taking BA Philosophy and belonging to a religious congregation whose GWA is at least 80%.
(ii.) To maintain the scholarship grant, the scholar-grantee must obtain a minimum grade of 85% for Professional Courses and 80% for Elective Courses.
IV. Other terms and conditions:
A. One plus two (1+2) scheme
(i.) The scholar-grantee must enroll with two (2) paying co-seminarians or sisters belonging to the same congregation.
(ii.) The number of two (2) paying enrollees accompanying the scholar-grantee must be maintained during the entire duration of the grant of scholarship.
B. Disqualification
(i.) A scholar-grantee will be disqualified from the scholarship grant if he/she incurs a failing grade, incomplete or dropped subject, unless the scholar-grantee would be able to justify the reason/s for such academic failures. The Academic Council of SVST will determine the validity of the reasons provided by the scholar-grantee.
(ii.) In case of disqualification, withdrawal or non-continuance, the scholarship can be transferred to his/her companion seminarian/sister provided that the transferee complies with the following conditions;
a. The one plus two scheme will still be followed, where the transferee will be accompanied with two (2) paying seminarians or sisters; and
b. The transferee can only avail the remaining semester/s granted to the original scholar-grantee.
(iii.) Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant
V. Documentary Requirements:
a. Application letter addressed to:
Fr. Rolando A. Tuazon, CM
Adamson University - Saint Vincent School of Theology
b. Recommendation letter from the Rector/ Mother Superior
c. Photocopy of PSA certified Birth Certificate
d. Properly filled Application Form
e. 2 pcs. 2x2 ID Pictures (taken within the last 6 months)
f. Certified true copy of grades or Form-138

Tel. Nos.: (+632) 8939-4361; (+632) 8930-9392
Tel./Fax: (+632) 3456-4028\