While globalization is a boon to the elite in terms of wealth security and social capability, its neo-liberal model of development has all but left the poor fisherfolk struggling to live a decent standard of living while vulnerable to capability deprivation. Against the backdrop of the post-colonial view of globalization, the essay engages Hesus Mangingisda (“Jesus the Fisherman”) of a Visayan fisherfolk community in mutually enriching conversation with the gospel Jesus of prophetic pedigree. The launching pad is the Christological title accorded by the fisherfolk themselves to Jesus the Christ based on their contrast-experience of kalisod sa panginabuhian (“difficulty in eking out a living”) and gawasnong panginabuhian (“freedom in eking out a living”). The ultimate objective is to evolve a socio-theological and praxis-grounded concept of the Mangingisda, who is at once buutan (“good-natured”) and isog (“brave”), context-appropriate and tradition-rooted, domestic and emancipatory.
Jesus as Mangingisda in the Shallow Waters of Globalization
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