Pastoral Approaches for War-Affected Children in the Post-War Context of Sri Lanka
Anne Antenita Lambert
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Children have the fundamental right to live in a healthy and safe environment. However, many of them have faced extremely difficult situations and enormous challenges in life. This article primarily focuses on the war-affected children of Sri Lanka that went through an ethnic war for nearly three decades. The study will examine the post-war realities of these children, many of whom have lost their parents, siblings, relatives and friends. It will look into how these orphaned and vulnerable children are taken care of by government agencies and non-government organizations. Pointing out the inadequacy of the interventions given to these children who have to deal with deep traumatic experiences in the past, the author proposes a more holistic approach that adopts a community-based model as a therapeutic way of bringing about healing in their lives. Literature on pastoral care, which seldom touches on war-affected psyches, especially of children, will be appropriated in developing an effective and contextual pastoral care approach based on the interventions of Church-based communities to war-affected children. The ultimate goal is to improve the lives of these vulnerable children.

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