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Dean's Announcement

By Daniel Franklin E. Pilario, CM

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

Greetings from SVST! We hope you are all safe and well.

We are halfway through the second semester of 2020-2021 and despite the challenges brought about by COVID-19, we have adjusted to our online classes well. We acknowledge that face to face classes still provide the more conducive learning atmosphere. So we hope to see each other face to face next school year.

There is a total of 327 students for the second semester, even surpassing the enrollees of the first semester.

This number is divided into the following programs: 21 (PhD in Theology); 14 (Masters of Arts in Theology); 123 (Master in Pastoral Ministry); 64 (Curriculum for the Ordained Ministry); 65 (Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy); 19 (Introductory Theological Formation); 18 (Hapag Layko Program); 3 (audit students).

You have just accessed the new SVST website. It features our vision-mission and annual themes, our degree programs and their requirements, research and publications, our administrators, news and events, partner communities and many others. For instance, it contains downloadable pdf versions of all articles in Hapag and some books which SVST has published, the conferences we have organized and their accompanying video links.

We thank Rodiper Calumpiano and his team who have labored hard to come up with this new informative site. I want you to explore our new site and give us some feedback.


Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM