Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM

Doctorate in Sacred Theology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
License in Sacred Theology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Bachelor in Sacred Theology, University of Santo Tomas
BA Philosophy, Adamson University

Daniel Franklin Pilario is a member of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) in the Philippines. He is a professor of St. Vincent School of Theology, Adamson University in Quezon City, Philippines. He comes from Hagdan, Oslob, Cebu. His book Back to the Rough Grounds of Praxis: Exploring Theological Method with Pierre Bourdieu (Leuven, 2005) was awarded the Jan en Marie Huyse Prijs of the Leuven Academic Foundation as the best research in the humanities in 2003. He has also written After the End: Reflections of the Happy Theologian in and on the Rough Grounds (2014). He edited or co-edited several anthologies – the most recent are The Ambivalence of Sacrifice (2013); Christian Orthodoxy (2014); Globalization and the Church of the Poor (2015); Philippine Local Churches after the Spanish Regime (2015); Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching on the Ground (2015); Second Plenary Council of the Philippines: Quo Vadis? (2015); Theology and Power: International Perspectives 2016); Suffering and God (2016); Minorities (2017); Theology, Conflict and Peacebuilding (2018); Asian Christianities (2018); Signs of Hope in Muslim-Christian Relations (2020). He belongs to the editorial boards of philosophical and theological journals – among them are Hapág: Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology; Sian Christian Review; Concilium: International Journal of Theology; Institute of Spirituality in Asia; PHAVISMINDA and International Journal of Philosophy and Theology. He has extensively published in national and international academic journals. His field of research covers fundamental theology, cultural theories and inculturation, liberation theology, theological anthropology, methods of theological research, political-social theory, theology and ecology, Catholic Social Teaching, and justice and human rights.

He is also a former President and Founding Member of the DAKATEO (Damdaming Katoliko sa Teolohiya - Catholic Theological Society of the Philippines). He is a professorial lecturer of different universities and seminaries in the country, and regularly ministers at a garbage dumpsite parish in Payatas, Quezon City on weekends.


1. BOOKS AND JOURNALS (Written and/or Edited)

● Knowing the Tree by its Leaves: Re-reading Vincent de Paul in the Philippine Context. Manila, Philippines: Congregation of the Mission, 1994. xvi. + 185.

● Proclaim the Good News to the Poor: CM Convocation 1995, co-author with Manuel Ginete. Manila, Philippines: Congregation of the Mission, 1995.

● Pakiglambigit: A Story of the Basic Ecclesial Communities in an Urban Context. The San Roque Parish Experience. Pasay City, Philippines: Paulines Publishing House, 1997. Xv + 267.

● Against Forgetfulness: The Forum for Liberation Theologies. Remembering a Decade (1990-2000), co-editor with John Reis. Leuven: Centre for Liberation Theologies, 2001.

● Mediations in Theology: Georges De Schrijver's Wager and Liberation Theologies, co-editor with Jacques Haers, Edmund Guzman, Lope Florente Lesigues. Annua Nuntia Lovaniensia. Leuven: Peeters, 2004.

● Inter-Sectiones: A Journal of the Katholieke Univeristeit Leuven. Faculty of Theology, Editor. Volume 2000, Issue No. 2.

● Back to the Rough Grounds of Praxis: Exploring Theological Method with Pierre Bourdieu. BETL Series. Leuven: Leuven University Press and Peeters, 2005.

● The Ambivalence of Sacrifice, eds. Luiz Carlos Susin, Daniel Franklin Pilario, Diego Irarrazával. Concilium: International Journal of Theology 49. 2013/4. London: SCM Press, 2013. 

● After the End: Reflections of a Happy Theologian in and on the Rough Grounds. Quezon City: St. Vincent School of Theology, 2014, 185p.

● Christian Orthodoxy. Edited by Felix Wilfred and Daniel Franklin Pilario. Concilium 2014/2. London: SCM Press, 2014. 157 pages.

● Globalization and the Church of the Poor. Edited with Lisa Sowle Cahill, Maria Clara Bingemer and Sarojini Nadar. Concilium 2015. No. 3. London: SCM Press, 2015.

● Philippine Local Churches after the Spanish Regime: Quae Mari Sinico and Beyond. Edited with Gerardo Vibar. SVST Interdisciplinary Series. Manila: Adamson University, 2015.

● Second Plenary Council of the Philippines: Quo vadis? Edited with Agnes Brazal and Eric Genilo. SVST Interdisciplinary Series. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2015. 

● One-Hundred Fifty Years of Vincentian Presence in the Philippines. Edited with Peter Solis. Hapag: An Interdisciplinary Theological Journal. Volume 9 (2012). St. Vincent School of Theology and Adamson University.

● Ideologies, Faith and Praxis. Edited with Enrique Batangan. Hapag: An Interdisciplinary Theological Journal. Volume 10 (2013). St. Vincent School of Theology and Adamson University.

● Theology and Power: International Perspectives.  Edited with Stephen Bullivant, Eric Genilo and Agnes Brazal. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2016. 

● Suffering and God. Edited with Luiz Carlos Susin, Solange Lefebvre, and Diego Irarrazaval. Concilium 2016. No. 3. London: SCM Press, 2016. 

● Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching on the Ground. SVST Interdisciplinary Series. Manila: Adamson University, 2016. 

● Minorities. Edited with Susan Ross and Solange Lefebvre. Concilium 2017. No. 3. London: SCM Press, 2017.

● Asian Christianities. Edited with Felix Wilfred and Po Ho Huang. Concilium 2018. No. 1. London: SCM Press, 2017.

● Theology, Conflict and Peacebuilding. Manila: Adamson University, 2019.

● Signs of Hope in Muslim-Christian Relations. Edited with Catherine Cornille and Mile Babic. London: SCM Press, 2020. 


● “Politics of Culture and the Project of Inculturation.” In Jahrbuch für kontextuelle Theologien 1999. Edited by Missionswissenschaftliches Institute Missio, e.V. (Frankfurt, Main: IKO – Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunkation, 1999),172-94. 

● “Editor’s Introduction.” Inter-Sectiones: A Journal of the K.U.Leuven Faculty of Theology Volume 2000, Issue No. 2. 

● “Gift-Exchange in Sacramentology: A Critical Assessment from the Perspective of Pierre Bourdieu.” Questions Liturgiques/Studies in Liturgy 82 (2001): 80-96. Reprinted in Contemporary Sacramental Contours of a God Incarnate, ed. LievenBoeve and Lambert Leijssen (Leuven: Peeters, 2001), 85-101. 

● “Locus Theologicus: Place, Theology and Globalization.” Bijdragen: A Journal of Philosophy and Theology 63 (2002): 71-98.

● “Hacer una teología contextual. Hacia la conversación sobre el método en el contexto Filipino.” Voces 20 (2002): 59-78.

● “The Craft of Contextual Theology: Towards a Methodological Conversation in the Philippine Context.” Chakana: Intercultural Forum for Philosophy and Theology 1 (2003): 19-42. Revised version published in Hapag: An Interdisciplanary Theological Journal1 (2004), Issue No. 1: 5-39. Also found in http://www.philjol.info/philjol/index.php/HAPAG/article/view/913/893 (accessed 12-05-2011).

● “The Politics of (Political) Representation: Perspectives from Pierre Bourdieu.” Hapag: An Interdisciplinary Theological Journal 1 (2004), Issue No. 2: 79-99. Also found in http://www.philjol.info/philjol/index.php/HAPAG/article/view/919/901 (accessed 12-05-2011). Republished in Recent Philosophies in the Philippines. Volume 1. Manila: Philosophical Association of the Philippines, 2006, 1-19.

● “Inculturating Congregational Charisms: A Methodological Proposal for the Vincentian Family.” Hapag: An Interdisciplinary Theological Journal2 (2005), Issue No. 2: 169-207.Also found in http://www.philjol.info/philjol/index.php/HAPAG/article/view/646/592 (accessed 12-05-2011). 

 ● “Ars Moriendi: Consecrated Life as Eucharistic Body Broken and Given.” Religious Life Asia 8, No. 1 (Jan-Mar 2006): 92-108.

● “Review of Mystic Wanderers in the Land of Perpetual Departures.” in Philippine Studies 54 (2006): 481-485.

● “St. Vincent School of Theology: Doing Theology from the Margins.” The Adamson News: Official Publication of Adamson University, December 2006 – January 2007. 

● “Mapping Postcolonial Theory: Implications to Theological Discourse.” In Theological Interdisciplinary Conversations in Post-colonial and Global Contexts. Edited by DAKATEO (Catholic Theological Society of the Philippines); published in Hapag: An Interdisciplinary Theological Journal Vol. 3. Nos. 1-2 (2006): 9-51. Also found in http://www.philjol.info/philjol/index.php/HAPAG/article/view/650/596 (accessed 12-05-2011). Republished in Asian Christian Review 1 (2007): 448-78.

● “Inculturating Vincentian Charism and Ministry in the Asia-Pacific Contexts: A Methodological Proposal. The Case of Collaborative Servant-Leadership.” In Formation for Mission: In Search of Contextualization of Vincentian Formation and Charism in Asia-Pacific, ed. Armada Riyanto (Malang: Indonesia: Vincentian CCC of the Asia Pacific and Widya Sasana Publication, 2005), 139-173. Edited version re-published in Vincentiana 51, No. 4 (July-August 2007): 287-315.

● “Back to the Rough Grounds: Locating Resistance in Times of Globalization.” Post-colonial Europe in the Crucible of Cultures: Reckoning with God in a World of Conflicts. Edited by Jacques Haers, Norbet Hintersteiner and Georges de Schrijver. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2007, 21-52.

● “Disciplines, Interdisciplinarity and Theology.” (Co-authored with Agnes Brazal) Hapag: An Interdisciplinary Theological Journal 4 (2007): 5-25.Also found in http://www.philjol.info/philjol/index.php/HAPAG/article/view/657/603 (accessed 12-05-2011). 

● “Spirituality and Postmodernity in Asia.” In Spirituality of Authentic Witnesses in Postmodern Asia (Quezon City: Institute of Spirituality in Asia, 2007), 24-52.

● “Vincent de Paul and the Court: Responding to the Politics of Power.” http://cccaprf.wordpress.com /2008/03/25/vincent-de-paul-and-the-court-responding-to-the-politics-of-power/ (accessed 12-05-2008). Edited version was published in Political Charity in Vincentiana52 (July-August 2008): 294-314. 

● “Caritas: The Challenge towards Erotic Oblation.” Tabo: Newsletter of the Archdiocese of Cebu, 2008.

● “Thirsting for Truth: Mass for Truth, Accountability and Justice.” DLSP Media Bureau in http://news.delasalle.ph/2008/02/thirsting-for-truth-homily-delivered-by.html

● “Payatas: De megavuilnisbelt van Manilla.” Streven (June 2009): 555-59.

● “Word of God: Source and Nourishment of Mission.” Religious Life Asia (January – March 2009): 73-84.

● “Interreligious Dialogue: Paradigms of Theological Interpretation.” Interreligious Dialogue and Formation, ed. Armada Riyanto (Malang: Indonesia: Vincentian CCC of the Asia Pacific and Widya Sasana Publication, 2010), 5-31. Also found in http://cccaprf.wordpress.com/2011/02/05/interreligious-dialogue-paradigms-of-theological-interpretation/ (accessed 12-05-2010).

● “The Politics of Representation.” Touchstone: Quarterly Magazine of Adamson University, March – May 2010, 4-5,8-9.

●“Silence as Witness.” [On the Life of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo] in http://www.rvmonline.net/?q=node/2512

● “Sacrifice, Solidarity and Commitment: The Paschal Mystery Today.” In From Vision to Pondong Pinoy – Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales Festschrift, ed. Msgr. Gerardo O. Santos. Manila: Archdiocese of Manila, 2011. See also http://www.academia.edu/2070502/Sacrifice_Solidarity_and_Commitment_Paschal_Mystery_Today

● “Back to the Rough Grounds: Interreligious Dialogue beyond the Classical Paradigms.” Asian Christian Review 5, No. 2 (2011): 10-29.

● “Attempts by Asian Theologians to Evolve a Viable Theory of Religious Pluralism and Dialogue for our Times.” Bogoslovnivestnik 71 (2011): 327 – 344. 

● “Put into the Deep”: Interreligious Dialogue with Islam. Contexts, Vision and Action [Synthesis of the Symposium, August 7-17, 2011, Pacet, Indonesia]. In http://www.vindialogue.org/%E2%80%9Cput-out-into-the-deep%E2%80%9D-interreligious-dialogue-with-islam-contexts-vision-and-action-synthesis-of-the-symposium/.

● “Payatas: Paschal Mystery Lived Everyday.” In Famvin News, April 2012 in http://famvin.org/en/2012/04/06/holy-week-on-the-fringes-of-a-garbage-dump-manila/

● “150 Years of CM – DC Presence in the Philippines.” http://famvin.org/en/2012/07/2... Postmodern Mind and Christian Education.” http://ceap.org.ph/upload/down... Social Movements in the Philippines: Clashes with Institutional Powers.” Journal of Catholic Social Thought 10, No. 2 (2013): 1-17.

● “Restorative Justice amidst Continuing Violence.” In Reconciliation: Empowering Grace, eds. Jacques Haers, Felix Wilfred, KristienJustaert and Yves de Maesener. Concilium 49. 2013/1 (London, SCM Press, 2013), 64-73. 

● “Towards a Christian Spirituality in a Postmodern World.” Boletín Eclesiástico de Filipínas LXXXIX, No. 900 (2013): 651-658

● “Passion Rituals, Violence and Compassion” (with Luiz Carlos Susin and Diego Irarrázaval). The Ambivalence of Sacrifice, eds. Luiz Carlos Susin, Daniel Franklin Pilario, Diego Irarrazával. Concilium 2013/4. London: SCM Press, 2013, 78-89.

● “Eucharist and Human Suffering: Retrieving ‘Sacrifice in Contemporary Magisterium.” Modern Theology 30 (April 2014): 340-356.

● “Revisiting Historiographies: New Directions.” In Oxford Handbook of Christianity in Asia, ed. Felix Wilfred (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), 539-557.

● “Editorial: The Ambivalence of Sacrifice.” (with Luiz Carlos Susin and Diego Irrarazaval). Concilium: International Journal of Theology 49. 2013/4. London: SCM Press, 2013, 7-11.See also other translations (Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Croatian)

● “Editorial: Christian Orthodoxy.” In Christian Orthodoxy. Edited with Felix Wilfred. Concilium 2014/2. London: SCM Press, 2014, pp. 7-11. See also other translations (Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Croatian).

● “Jesus of Nazareth, Mystic and Prophet: A View from the Rough Grounds.” Towards an Integral Vision for the Future of Religious Life: New Insights on the Mystical and Prophetic Elements. In Religious Life Asia XVI (2014): 49-67.

● “Religionsfreiheitals Mittel zur Verteidigung der Marginalisierten. Lehren aus dignitatis humanae.” [Religious Freedom in Defense of the Margins. Lessons from Dignitatis Humanae]. In Religionsfreheit:Grundlagen, Reflexionen, Modelle. Edited by Klaus Kraemer and Klaus Velguth. Freiburg: Herder, 2014, pp. 324-342.

● “(Post)apocalyptic Reflections from Ground Zero.” In The Return of Apocalypticism. Edited by Hille Haker, Andrés Torres Queiruga and Marie-TheresWacker. Concilium 2014/3. London: SCM Press, 2014, 104-110. See also other translations (Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Croatian).

● “Is Asia a Post-religional Society? The Post-religional Paradigm and its Others,” Horizonte 13, No. 37 (January – March 2015): 279-318. See also http://periodicos.pucminas.br/index.php/horizonte/article/view/P.2175-5841.2015v13n37p279/7707.

● “Religion, Social Capital for Peacemaking?” In Religion and Identity in Post-conflict Societies. Edited by Regina Ammicht Quinn, Mile Babi, Zoran Grozdanov, Susan Ross and Marie-Theres Wacker. Concilium 2015/1. London: SCM Press, 2015, 99-105. See also other translations (Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Croatian).

● “Globalization and the Church of the Poor (Editorial).” In Globalization and the Church of the Poor. Edited with Lisa Sowle Cahill, Maria Clara Bingemer and Sarojini Nadar. Concilium 2015/3. London: SCM Press, 2015, 7-16. 

● “Religious Freedom in Defense of the Margins: Lessons from Dignitatis Humanae.” In Religious Freedom. Foundations – Reflections – Models. One World Theology Series. Edited by Klaus Krämer and Klaus Vellguth. Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 2014, 225-238.

● “Flüchtlinge. Ein E-Mail-BriefwechelvomJuni 2015.” [with Norbert Reck]. In Theologie, Anthropologie und Neurowissenschaften. Edited by Thierry-Marie Courau, Regina Ammicht Quinn, HilleHaker, Marie-TheresWacker. Concilium 2015, No. 4, 495-502.

● “Introduction.” Second Plenary Council of the Philippines: Quo vadis? Edited with Eric Genilo and Agnes Brazal. SVST Interdisciplinary Series. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2015, vii – xv.

● “Jesus in PCP II, Jesus of the Margins.” [withLucimindaBaldicimo]. Second Plenary Council of the Philippines: Quo vadis? Edited with Eric Genilo and Agnes Brazal. SVST Interdisciplinary Series. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2015, 27-54.

● “One-Hundred Fifty Years of Service to the Philippine Church.” In One-hundred Fifty years of Vincentian Presence in the Philippines (1862-2012). Hapag: An Interdisciplinary Theological Journal. Volume 9 (2012), No. 2, pp. 5-28. (St. Vincent School of Theology and Adamson University).

● “Ideologies, Faith and Praxis.” In Ideologies, Faith and Praxis. Edited by Daniel Franklin Pilario and Enrique Batangan. Hapag: Interdisciplinary Theological Journal. Volume 10 (2013), No. 1, 5-10.

● “Das Evangelisierungs werk auf den Philippinen während der Kolonialzeit. Die missionarischen Methoden und ihre Ambivalenz.” In Evangelisierung: Die Freude des Evangeliums mitein anderteilen. Edited by Klaus Krämer and Klaus Vellguth.Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder, 2015, 40-65. Translated as “Revisiting Evangelization Work in Colonial Philippines: The Ambivalence of Missionary Methods.” Evangelization: Sharing the Joy of the Gospel. Philippines: Claretian Publications, 2016, 19-38. 

● “Revisiting See-Judge-Act: Reflections from Asia.” Journeys of Liberation: Joys and Hopes for the Future. Edited by Maria Clara Bingemer and Luiz Carlos Susin. Concilium 2016/1, 83-92.

 ● “Secularization and Spirituality: An Attempt at Making Sense.” Secularization and Spirituality: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. Quezon City: Institute of Spirituality in Asia, 2016, 235-243. 

● “Introduction” (with Stephen Bullivant, Eric Marcelo Genilo, and Agnes Brazal). Theology and Power: International Perspectives. New York/Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2016, ix – xiv. 

● “Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo and the Church of the Poor.” A Valiant Woman: Some Thoughts and Reflection on the Legacy of Venerable Ignacia de Espiritu Santo. Quezon City: RVM Publication, 2016, 51-67.

● “The Eucharist and the Poor. How does the Magisterium Speak of the Eucharist?” 307-326. Theological Symposium Papers and Proceedings of the 51st International Eucharistic Congress, 20-22 January 2016. Paranaque: Don Bosco Center of Studies, 2017.

● “Praying Bodies, Dying Bodies: Reflections on the Nazareno and Santo Nino.” Philippine Sociological Review 65 (2017): 155-161.

● “Editorial”. Minorities. Edited with Susan Ross and Solange Lefebvre. Concilium 2017. No. 3. London: SCM Press, 2017.

● “Editorial”. Asian Christianities. Edited with Felix Wilfred and Po Ho. Concilium 2018, No. 1. London: SCM Press, 2018.

● “Theology and Reflexivity.” Louvain Studies 41 (2018): 107-124.

● “Ecology and the Apocalypse.” Fragile World. Edited by William Cavanaugh. Cascade Books, 2017, 271-284.

● "Gabentausch“ in der Sakramentologie. Eine kritische Betrachtung aus der Perspektive 

● Pierre Bourdieus.” Religion und soziale Distinktion. Resonanzen Pierre Bourdieus in der Theologie. Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Herder GmbH, 2018, 191-212.

● “Homelessness and Hospitality on the Ground: A Methodological Proposal for Catholic Social Teaching,” Journal of Vincentian Social Action 4 (2018): 47-56. Cf. https://scholar.stjohns.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1095&context=jovsa

● “Homelessness and Hospitality on the Ground: A Methodological Proposal for Catholic Social Teaching,” in Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics, ed. James F. Keenan and Mark McGreevy, ed., Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 2019, 187-198.

● “Faith and Religion in Globalized Megacities: A View from Manila.” The City and Global Development. Beyond North-South Paradigm. Eds. Linda Hogan, Alina Kreuse and Markus Bucker. London: SCM Press, 2019, Concilium 2019. No. 1, 73-84.

● “And His Garment is Covered with Dust: Directions in Bishop Labayen’s Theology of Praxis.” [Monograph]. Quezon City: SVST and Socio-Pastoral Institute, 2019.

● “Theologies at the Rough Grounds: Conceptual Trajectories of a Method.” Hapag 15 (2015/2019): 79-108. 

● “Communion and Power.” Spirituality of Communion. Lecture Series 17, ed. Perla Choudhury. Quezon City: Institute of Spirituality in Asia, 2018, 159-167.

● “Approfondimenti/2: Inculturatione/2,” Verso il Sinodo per l’Amazzonia: dimensione regionale e universale. Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2019, 61-66.

● “Catholics.” Edinburgh Companion on Global Christianity, eds. Kenneth Ross, Francis Alvarez, Todd Johnson, Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, 2020, 310-322. Cf. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-christianity-in-east-and-southeast-asia.html

● “Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Theologizing in Asia.” International Journal of Indonesian Philosophy and Theology 1, no. 1 (2020): 22-35. Cf. https://aafki-afti.org/IJIPTh/article/view/4/pdf

● “Leben auf dem Müll von Manila: Irgendwann schläft die misshandelte Natur zurück,” Focus Schöpfung. Klimawandel. Umweltverantwortung. Öko-Theologie. Hamburg: Missionshilfe Verlag, 2020, 41-47.

● “Migration and the New Faces of Poverty in the Context of the New Evangelization”. Vincentiana 63 (July–September 2019): 404-424.

● “The Joy of the Gospel and the New Evangelization." CM Global Website. https://cmglobal.org/en/files/2020/11/The-Joy-of-the-Gospel-and-the-New-Evangelization-Daniel-Pilario-CM.pdf

● “Von Umweltgerechtigkeit zu ökologischer Gerechtigkiet. Auf dem Weg zu einer ökologischen Hermeneutik.” In der Schopfung Heimat finden, eds. Isis Ibrahim, Shaji George Kochuthara und Klaus Veelguth. Stuttgart: Matthias Grünewald Verlag, 2020, 241-259

● “Herzenssache. Laudato si’ auf den Philippinen.” In der Schopfung Heimat finden, eds. Isis Ibrahim, Shaji George Kochuthara und Klaus Veelguth. Stuttgart: Matthias Grünewald Verlag, 2020, 285-287.


● “Doing Theology in the Garbage Dump.” De Paul University, Ocotber 23, 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLza-blscFc

● “Ecology and the Apocalypse.” Roundtable Discussion. De Paul University, May 18, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKcOPYQmRnk

● “Theology and Reflexivity.” Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, March 8, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQVki3G61vo

● “Of Mothers, Widows and Orphans: Stories of Resistance in the Philippine War on Drugs,” Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, March 9, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-EtAoWhVp4&t=1325s

● “Introduction to the Concilium Conference.” Adamson University, October 3, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6oocBeWizI


● Neyens, Sophie. “Op zoeknaar God in sloppenwijken: Prijs Acadimische Stichting Leuven voor Daniel Pilario.” Campuskrant: Tijschrift van de K.U.Leuven, 27 November 2003, No. 5, 17. See also http://www.kuleuven.be/ck/2003_04/05/ck15-05-pilario.htm(access 08.09.2006).

● Missionswissenschaftliches Institut, ed. “Echte Theologie kommt aus dem Leben und dientdemLeben: EinTagebuch von Daniel Franklin Pilario, ehemaliger Stipendiat unseres Instituts.” http://www.mwi-aachen.org/Images/Pilario%20Direkt%201-05%20Endf._tcm16-28695.pdf#search=‘daniel%20pilario’ (access 08.09.2006).

● Brosse, Richard. “Danny Pilario: Theologe von den Philippinen.” Forum Weltkirche, July-August 2005. Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Verlag Herder, 2005, 22-24. Also in http://www.forum-weltkirche.de/de/personen/14785.danny-pilario.html

● Brosse, Richard. 'Danny Pilario CM / Philippinen'. In Gesichtereinerfremden Theologie: Sprechen von Gottjenseits von Europa [A portrait of 32 theologians from Africa, Asia, and Latin America]. Theologie der Dritten Welt 34.Edited by Norbert Kössmeier and Richard Brosse. Freiburg-Basel-Wien: Verlag Herder, 2006, 163-168. For table of contents, see http://www.mwi-aachen.org/publikationen/institut/buchreihe/Inhalt_tdw34.asp#0 (access 08.09.2006).

● Lode Wostyn, “Review of Back to the Rough Grounds of Praxis,” Ephemerides Theologicae Louvaniensis 83 (2007): 516-517.

● Brunk, Timothy. Liturgy and Life: The Unity of Sacrament and Ethics in the Theology of Louis-Marie Chauvet. New York: Peter Lang, 2007 (cf. Pilario’s Critique of Chauvet, 119- 127).

● Justaert, Kristein. “Interview with Daniel Franklin Pilario,” Newsletter CLT 3 (2012), http://theo.kuleuven.be/en/research/centres/centr_lib/pilario-interview.pdf

● Gabrielle Refert. “Einsatzfür die Menschen auf der Mülldeponie Payatas.” http://missioforlife.de/blog/einsatz-fuer-die-menschen-auf-der-muelldeponie-payatas-pater-daniels-kampf-fuer-bessere-lebensbedingungen/.

● Kristine Balbach. “Leben auf der Zeitbombe.” http://www.missio.com/index.html/leben-auf-der-zeitbombe/ca8b6f05-58c1-4ceb-9073-52a1085faf0e?mode=detail.

● Gabriele Riffert. “Er hat michgesandt.” http://www.missio.com/medien/ef7bed31-6df9-4eec-996b-df15e971b758/missio-konkret-2014-4-blick-in-die-bibel.pdf. Interview done on 22 September 2014.

● Steffi Seyfert. “EinstinkendesGeschäft.” Missio Magazin. 2/2016. 31-37.

● Joy Watford. “Finding Hope in the Dark,” http://www.positivelyfilipino.com/magazine/finding-hope-in-the-dark





















LIBRARY COMMITTEEDirector: Fr. Dario Pacheco, CM
Librarian: Ms. Maylene Urcia

Fr. Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM, PhD, SThD
Fr. Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD
Fr. Manuel Ginete, CM, PhD, SthD
RESEARCH COMMITTEEDirector: Fr. Rex. Fortes, CM, PhD, SThD

Fr. Kenneth Centeno, CM, PhD
Dr. Emiliano Ibera III, PhD
Fr. Manuel Ginete, CM, PhD

Mr. Enrique Batangan
Dr. Emiliano Ibera III, PhD
Fr. Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD
Fr. Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM, PhD, SThD

Fr. Kenneth Centeno, CM, PhD
Fr. Dario Pacheco, CM
Dr. Emiliano Ibera III, PhD

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEEDirector: Fr. Manuel Ginete, CM, PhD

Fr. Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD
Fr. John Era, CM, PhD
Ms. Erna Carreon
Mr. Rodiper Calumpiano