PhD Theology/STD, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
MA Theology/STL, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
MA Religious Education, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Pastoral Sociology Courses, Asian Social Institute
Pastoral Courses in Theology, Loyola School of Theology
MA Theology, St. Vincent School of Theology
AB Philosophy, Adamson University
Rolando Tuazon has been involved in the ministry of seminary formation for many years. He teaches Moral Theology courses at St. Vincent School of Theology (SVST) and other schools of theology. Before being ordained a priest, he worked as a cultural orientation teacher and trainer at the International Catholic Migration Commission of the Philippine Refugee Center in Bataan (1988). He also had a chance to teach at Adamson University as Theology Instructor in 1989. For a period of time in 1990, he got involved in development work as a community organizer of the Agency for Community Educational Services (ACES) in Nueva Ecija. After returning to the seminary, he continued his involvement and exposure to different sectors until he was ordained a priest in the Congregation of the Mission in 1993. For his first assignment as a priest, he served as Director of Orientation Year II Program Formation at the De Paul House in Quezon City. From 1994-1998, he served in different capacities: as student director, a Philosophy-Theology instructor and Rector of St. Vincent’s College Seminary in Quezon City. He also became Chair of the Provincial Commission on Initial Formation of the CM Philippine Province. Before he could receive more specialized training in teaching and formation, he served as parochial vicar for one year, and a member of the Popular Mission at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Toward the end of 1999, he pursued further studies in Moral Theology in Belgium as he got himself involved in some pastoral works with the Filipino migrants. He produced researches and articles and presented papers in conferences in Belgium and in the Philippines.
• “Social Discernment from the Margins: A Re-appropriation of CST in Light of the Philippine’s 2022 Elections”, a paper delivered in an international conference on Catholic Social Tradition as Social Discernment, at the KU Leuven, June, 2022, accepted for publication in the Journal of Catholic Social Thought
• “Religious Traditions and their Place in Secular Societies”, Hapag Vol. 17, no.1-2 (2020)
• With Jimmy Belita, eds., “Rights, Dignity and Justice,” Hapag Vol. 16, No. 1-2 (2019)
• “Becoming Stewards of Creation: Ecological Virtue Ethics from the Perspective of Otherness,” in Fragile World: Ecology and the Church, ed. William T. Cavanaugh, Studies in World Catholicism Vol. 4 (Eugene Oregon: Wipf And Stock Publishers, 2018). This paper is based on the International Conference delivered at De Paul University, Chicago, USA, in 2015
• “Cultural Minorities and The Catholic Social Tradition”, Concilium 2017, # 3
• “Overview of Catholic Social Tradition,” pending publication on Popularization of the Catholic Social Tradition, a project of St. Vincent School of Theology 2017. It is based on the lecture given to module writers in the popularization of the Catholic Social Tradition in the Philippines at SVST, Quezon City in 2010
• With Dennis Gonzalez, eds., “Sexuality, Marriage and the Family in Amoris Laetitia,” Hapag, Vol.13, no. 1-2 (2016)
With Dominador F. Bombongan, eds., “Local Methodologies in Theology and Religious Education,” Hapag, Vol. 12, no. 2 (2015)
• “Pakikipagkapwa and Its Transformative Potential: An Anadialectical Interpretation,” Asian Christian Review, vol. 5, no. 1 (2012), 11-29. This paper was delivered in an International Conference in Trento, Italy, 2010.
• “Narrating Ethics from the Margins,” in Normativity of the Future: Reading Biblical and Other Authoritative Texts in an Eschatological Perspective, eds. Reimund Bieringer and Mary Elsbern (Leuven: Peeters Publication, 2010), 297-326
• With Peter Solis, eds., Hapag: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theological Research Vol. 6, no 1-2. (2009)
• “Narrating Ethics from the Margins”, HAPAG: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theological Research, Vol. 4, No.1 & 2 (2007): 27-60
• “Human Rights and/or Religious Ethical Values?: Examining an Ambivalent Relationship,” HAPAG: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theological Research, Vol. 2, No.1 (2005): 43-76.
• “Gebrek aan voedsel of gebrek aan morele verbeelding?: Voorbij economisme en sciëntisme in het oplessen van de honger in de wereld,” trans. Erwin Van Uffel, in Vlaams marxistisch tijdschrift Vol. 38, No.4 (December 2004): 110-120.
• “Biotech Food, The Solution to World Hunger?: A Socio-Ethical Consideration on the Introduction of the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) to Agriculture,” HAPAG: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theological Research, Vol. 1, No. 1 (St. Vincent School of Theology and Adamson University, 2004): 93-139.
• “Have We Run Out of Moral Imagination: A Socio-Ethical Consideration on Biotechnology as Solution to World Hunger,” in Science, Ethics and Society, eds. Johan De Tavernier and Stefan Aerts (Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and CABME, 2004): 222-225.
Paper Presentation in Conferences
• “Pakikipag-Kapwa: Compassionate Service to the Other: An Anadialectical Reading,” a lecture presented at an International Conference of Moral Theologians in Trent, Italy, “Within the Currents of History: From Trent to the Future” 24-27 July 2010 (Considered for publication).
• “Reconstructing Damaged Identities,” a lecture presented at the DAKATEO Annual Conference, “Sexual Violence Against Women,” in Tagaytay City, on October 24-25, 2008 (To be published soon).
• “Narrating Christian Ethics from the Margins,” a lecture presented at the DAKATEO Annual Conference on October 29-30, 2006, Holy Family Retreat House, Cebu City (Published)
• “Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Overview and Foundations,” a lecture presented at the Miriam College, Quezon City, August 15, 2006.
• “Catholic Social Tradition: From the Margins…Back to the Margins,” Lecture Series of St. Vincent School of Theology, on July 29. 2006.
• “Beyond the Limits of One’s Language Before the Voice of the Other: A Critical Assessment of Stanley Hauerwas’ Postliberal Ethics from the Perspective of Enrique Dussel’s Ethics of Liberation in the Light of Gaudium et spes.” Expert Seminar, “Scrutinizing the Signs of the Times and Interpreting Them in Light of the Gospel,” held at the Catholic University of Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 9-10 September 2004, organized by the International Association for Catholic Social Thought.
• “Have We Run Out of Moral Imagination: A Socio-Ethical Consideration on Biotechnology as Solution to World Hunger,” 5th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, entitled, “Science, Ethics and Society,” 2-4 September 2004, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
• “The Living Tradition of Ethical Rationality: The Historical Narrative Account of Ethics,” presentation of the first part of the research project, Annual Meeting of the Scholarship Holders of the Institute of Missiology, 14-16 November 2003.
Unpublished Works
• “Narrative Ethics of Liberation: The Role and Interplay of Tradition, Stories and the Other in Ethical Practice and Reflection,” a doctoral dissertation defended at the Faculty of Theology, Catholic University of Leuven, on May 12, 2006. (Being considered for publication by the Catholic University Press and Peeters).
• “Whose Story, Which Rationality?: A Conversation between Narrative Ethics and Liberation Ethics,” an unpublished thesis submitted to the Faculty of Theology, Catholic University of Leuven, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for Masters and Canonical Degree in Theology (STL), 2001.
• “Two Stories of Morality, Narrative Ethics according to Alasdair MacIntyre and Martha Nussbaum: A Comparative Study,” An unpublished thesis submitted to the Faculty of Theology, Catholic University of Leuven, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for Master’s Degree in Religious Studies, 2000.
RECTOR: Manuel Ginete, CM, PhD
DEAN: Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD
PhD in Theology Program
Director: Manuel Ginete, CM
Coordinator: Emiliano Ibera III, PhD
Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM, PhD, SThD
Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD
Philosophy Program
Director: Kenneth Centeno, CM, PhD
Coordinator: Atty. Maria Katrina Sales-Macatiag
Ordained Ministry and Masters Program
Director: Rex Fortes, CM, PhD, SThD
KU Leuven-SVST-AdU Cooperation
Coordinator: Rex Fortes, CM, PhD, SThD
Lay Formation Program (Hapag-Layko)
Director: Carolina Daria
Recruitment and Admissions
Director: John Era, CM, PhD
Resource Center for Social Concern
Director: Director: Emiliano Ibera III, PhD
Student Affairs
Director: Dario Pacheco, CM
Library Committee
Director: Dario Pacheco, CM
Librarian: Maylene Urcia
Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM
Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD
Manuel Ginete, CM, PhD, SthD
Research Committee
Chair: Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD
Kenneth Centeno, CM, PhD
Emiliano Ibera III, PhD
Manuel Ginete, CM, PhD
Network and Linkages Committee
Chair: John Era, CM, PhD
Enrique Batangan
Emiliano Ibera III, PhD
Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD
Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM, PhD, SThD
Curriculum and Syllabi Committee
Chair: Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD
Kenneth Centeno, CM, PhD
Dario Pacheco, CM
Emiliano Ibera III, PhD
Scholarship Committee
Chair: Manuel Ginete, CM, PhD
Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD
John Era, CM, PhD
Erna Carreon
Rodiper Calumpiano